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Turkish Airlines carried 5.5 million passengers during December


Releasing its passenger and cargo traffic results of December, flag carrier increased its seat capacity offered to passengers by 7 percent compared to 2019 of the same month and carried a total of 5.5 million passengers while reaching 81.6 percent load factor.


According to December 2022 Traffic Results:


  • Carrying a total of 5.5 million passengers, Turkish Airlines’ domestic load factor was 81.3% and international load factor was 81.6%.


  • Cargo and Mail volume was recorded at 137.5 thousand tons during December 2022 which was 138.4 thousand tons during December 2019.
Turkish Airlines

According to the January-December 2022 Traffic Results:


  • Total passengers carried during January-December period was at 71.8 million.


  • During January-December, total load factor was at 80.6 percent. International load factor was at 80.1 while domestic load factor was at 85.8 percent.


  • Total Available Seat Kilometer during January-December became 201.7 billion during 2022 while it was 187.7 billion during the same period of 2019.


  • Cargo/mail carried during January-December increased by 9% compared to same period of 2019 and reached to 1.7 million tons.


  • Number of aircraft in the fleet became 394 at the end of December.



İstanbul Üniversitesi Amerikan Kültürü ve Edebiyatı mezunu. 15 Yıl Havacılık sektöründe çalıştı. Uçakları,yolcuları ve yolculukları çok sever. Farklı insanlar tanımak,tanımadığı şehirlerin sokaklarında dolaşmak en hoşlandığı şeydir. Bir kız çocuğu annesidir. Sitemizin Yazı İşleri Müdürüdür

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