Tailwind Havayolları Tarife Uzmanı Arıyor
Şirketin kariyer.net üzerinden yayınladığı iş ilanında, Tarife Uzmanı arayışı bildirilmiş. İlan sadece İngilizce yayınlanmış, iyi derecede İngilizce şartı aranmakta. İlana başvuru 24 Nisan’a kadar yapılabilecek.
Tailwind Havayolları Hakkında:
22.11.2005 tarihinde kurulan, Türk ve yabancı sermaye ortaklığı olan Tailwind Havayolları; sivil havacılık sektöründe kalıcı ve etkin bir yere ulaşarak çağımıza uygun, kaliteli bir havayolu sunmak amacıyla kurulmuştur. Kendine ait Boeing tipi uçakları ve uçucu ekibiyle uluslararası charter seferler yapmaktadır.
Başvuru metni şöyle:
Who we are?
Founded in 2006 with UK capital in İstanbul Tailwind Airlines performed its first flight in May 2009. Since the day it was founded, Tailwind’s mission has been to achieve a permanent and effective position in the civil aviation industry and become a distinguished airline. Our mission is to be a global airline company which offers high quality, on time, secure and safe service to our customers with our experienced staff with high ethical and professional values.
We are looking for “Schedule Planning Specialist” who will be a part of our team.
Duties and Responsibilities
- To fulfill the company schedule and customer support activities.
- To coordinate and follow up seasonal and Ad-hoc flight permission application and slot coordination.
- To publish flight schedules to relevant departments and companies.
- To fulfill the duties given by the Department Manager.
General Qualifications
- Very well command on both English and Turkish, speaking and written skills,
- Being qualified in using office tools and computer office programs,
- Being good at teamwork and have strong communication skills,
- CAA Permission and Slot Coordination experience,
- Schedule planning experience,
Applications which do not meet the General Qualifications shall not be considered.
Başvuru linki: