Korkusu veya kaygısı sebebiyle uçamayan veya güçlükle uçabilenlerin bu sorununu ortadan kaldırmak amacıyla, Türk Hava Yolları Havacılık Akademisi 2007 yılından bu yana Uçuş Korkusunu Yenme Programı ile 7 den 70’e herkese yardımcı olmaya devam ediyor.

Psikolog, kaptan pilot, teknik eğitmen ve kabin eğitmeninden oluşan uzman bir ekibin anlatım ve uygulamaları ile hayat bulan program, kabin simülatöründe sanal uçuş ve gerçek uçuş imkanı sunuyor.

Bir sonraki program, 23-24 Temmuz 2016 tarihlerinde gerçekleşecek.

Başvuru ve bilgi için:
E aviationacademy@thy.com
T +90 212 463 63 63 / 12068-12851-12360
Program kitapçığı için tıklayınız.




Hello everyone. My name is Mehmet Kali. In the industry, I am known as "Kali". I graduated from the first civil aviation training school in Turkey, which was known as the Civil Aviation School at the time and is now Eskişehir Technical University, in 1991. As I graduated from the Business Administration department, it was a bit challenging for me to integrate into the industry. I have worked for companies such as SultanAir, DHMI, Havaş, and Swissair, and currently, I provide services and consultancy in air cargo transportation. I have experience in dispatching, air traffic control, passenger services, and aircraft coordination. During my time at Swissair, I had the opportunity to experience aviation training in many countries. Since 2012, I have been focusing on air cargo transportation. For three years, I taught courses on air cargo at Nişantaşı University. I still hold valid IATA certifications related to both passenger and cargo operations. For over ten years, I have been managing aeroportist.com, a news website related to aviation, which initially started as a hobby. I enjoy building aviation networks and sharing knowledge. If there is anything I can contribute to, I am here. Best regards "kali"

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