Hava Kargo Hakkında Herşey

🚨 Sahte IATA E-postalarına Dikkat: Kargo Acenteleri Hedefte! 💼✉️

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🚨 Sahte IATA E-postalarına Dikkat: Kargo Acenteleri Hedefte! 💼✉️

Son zamanlarda, birçok işletme ve birey, IATA (Uluslararası Hava Taşımacılığı Birliği) adını taklit eden sahte e-postalar alıyor. Bu e-postalar, tr-iata.org veya cass.iata.org gibi yanıltıcı adreslerden gelerek, alıcıları kandırmayı amaçlıyor. İşte bu dolandırıcılık girişimleri hakkında bilmeniz gerekenler ve nasıl korunabileceğinize dair önemli bilgiler.

🔍 Sahte E-postalar Nasıl Tanınır?

Bu tür e-postalar genellikle IATA’nın resmi iletişim kanallarını taklit ederek güven sağlamaya çalışır. Gelen e-postalarda genellikle sahte bir IATA logosu, geçersiz bir IATA web adresi ve dolandırıcıların kişisel bilgilerinizi veya mali detaylarınızı ele geçirmeye yönelik talepleri bulunur. Örneğin:

  • E-posta Adresleri: tr-iata.org veya cass.iata.org gibi yanıltıcı adresler.
  • İçerik: Kargo taşımacılığı veya ödeme talepleri gibi acil ve dikkat gerektiren konular.

🛡️ Nasıl Korunabilirsiniz?

  1. Gönderici Adresine Dikkat Edin: IATA’nın resmi e-posta adresleri genellikle @iata.org domainini kullanır. Bu adreslerden farklı bir adresin sahte olabileceğini unutmayın.
  2. İçeriği İnceleyin: Kişisel bilgileriniz veya ödeme talepleriyle ilgili e-postalara şüpheyle yaklaşın. IATA gibi büyük organizasyonlar, hassas bilgilerinizi asla bu şekilde talep etmez.
  3. Bağlantıları Kontrol Edin: E-postadaki bağlantılara tıklamadan önce, farenizi linkin üzerine getirerek nereye yönlendirdiğini kontrol edin. Şüpheli bir URL fark ederseniz tıklamayın.
  4. Raporlayın: Bu tür şüpheli e-postalar aldığınızda, [email protected] adresine durumu bildirin ve e-postayı ek olarak iletin. 📧

🛑 Sahte E-postalarla İlgili Alınan Önlemler

IATA, bu tür dolandırıcılık faaliyetleri hakkında farkındalığı artırmak için çeşitli adımlar atıyor. IATA’nın resmi web sayfasında sahte e-postalar ve dolandırıcılık hakkında güncellemeler yayınlanıyor. Daha fazla bilgi ve güncellemeler için IATA’nın sahte e-postalar ve web siteleri sayfasını ziyaret edebilirsiniz. 🌐

🎯 Gerçek Bir Örnek: Şüpheli Bir E-posta

Geçtiğimiz günlerde bir acente, tr-iata.org adresinden gönderildiği iddia edilen sahte bir e-posta aldı. E-postada, acentenin kargo ödemelerini güncellemesi gerektiği belirtiliyor ve hassas mali bilgiler talep ediliyordu. Neyse ki, acente durumu fark etti ve hemen IATA’nın [email protected] adresine bildirdi. Bu örnek, sahte e-postaların nasıl bir tehdit oluşturabileceğini ve dikkatli olmanın önemini gösteriyor.

📢 İş Ortaklarına Çağrı

Tüm iş ortaklarımızı, sahte IATA e-postaları konusunda uyarıyoruz. Bu tür dolandırıcılık girişimlerini fark ederseniz, hemen yukarıda belirtilen adımları takip edin ve durumu IATA’ya bildirin. Kendi güvenliğinizi ve iş süreçlerinizi korumak için dikkatli olmanız hayati önem taşıyor.



Dear M….,

Hope you’re doing well today. I am pleased to inform you that the discrepancy detected in your agency’s payment record has been reconciled and successfully updated in our system. I want to thank you for your patience and cooperation throughout this reconciliation process

Based on the outcome of the investigation conducted by our Accounts Team during this reconciliation exercise, an emergency meeting was convened yesterday to discuss a thorough evaluation and upgrade of our payment collection procedure. The resolution reached at the end of the meeting was to implement a revised payment collection procedure which will be effective from 1-MAY-24 to 15-MAY-24 billing period while an audit of our Garanti Bankasi Turkiye account has been scheduled to commence next week as well. The primary objective of this newly implemented payment collection procedure is to proactively prevent any future payment discrepancies and improve accountability of our system.

The details of the revised guidelines & instructions for payment collection procedure which we shall be implementing from 1-MAY-24 to 15-MAY-24 billing period are stated below as follows (Please pay attention to the following guidelines & instructions):

1. The Accounts team will begin validating to determine the accuracy of the information stated in the bi-weekly Cargo Sales Report (Export Billing Statement) of all CASS Participants in Turkey starting from the next billing period; May 1 – 15, 2024.

2. Therefore, you’re expected to submit your agency’s Cargo Sales Report (CASS Billing Statement) for the billing period of May 1 – 15, 2024 for validation by the Accounts Team as soon as the report becomes available on the CASSLink portal. Kindly login to the portal to access your agency’s Cargo Sales Report for May 1 – 15, 2024 billing period.

3. Kindly submit your agency’s Cargo Sales Report (Export Billing Statement) for the billing period; May 1 – 15, 2024 via email to; [email protected]
If your Cargo Sales Report is currently undergoing an adjustment, kindly wait for the Adjustment Copy of the Cargo Sales Report to become available before submitting it for validation.

4. It is also imperative that you indicate your agency’s expected date of settlement of the invoice. Kindly ensure that this information is explicitly stated along with your agency’s Cargo Sales Report for the billing period; May 1 – 15, 2024, during the submission via email; [email protected] for validation.

5. As soon as your agency’s Cargo Sales Report has been successfully validated by the Accounts team, you will receive a Payment Release Authorization Letter via the same medium. This letter will approve your agency’s Cargo Sales Report and also, authorize the release of the payment to settle the invoice along with other relevant information which will be mentioned below.

6. Please note that in the case whereby the Cargo Sales Report isn’t successfully validated, a notice communicating the commencement of an adjustment of the Cargo Sales Report will be issued and a revised copy of the Cargo Sales Report will be made available to you afterwards along with a Payment Release Authorization Letter to proceed with the settlement of the invoice.

7. Please ensure that your agency’s Cargo Sales Report is submitted for validation not later than four (4) days before the due date of the invoice. This will allow ample time for the Accounts Team to validate the report and adjust it accordingly if the need arises before issuing the Payment Release Authorization Letter to your agency.

8. It is imperative to note that Arrivatrans Logistics is not permitted to proceed with the settlement of the invoice for the CASS billing period of 1-MAY-24 – 15-MAY-24, until the Cargo Sales Report (Export Billing Statement) has been successfully validated, and a Payment Release Authorization Letter has been issued by the Accounts Team.

9. In furtherance of the ongoing changes that we’re implementing with respect to our payment collection procedure, please take note that the Accounts Team has scheduled the audit of the Turkiye Garanti Bankasi account for next week hence, a newly updated INTERNATIONAL AIR TRANSPORT ASSOCIATION TURKIYE account has been set up in our global delivery center in Portugal to receive payments for the CASS billing period of 1-MAY-24 – 15-MAY-24. The details of the newly updated bank account will be indicated in the Payment Release Authorization Letter which will be issued to your agency after a successful validation of your Cargo Sales Report. The rationale for approving this mode of payment collection is to ensure continuity of the payment collection process while the imminently scheduled audit of our Garanti Bankasi account is being conducted to obtain accurate accounting records, aligning with the guidelines outlined in the IATA Financial Policy Manual (FPM) and in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).

10. Also, please be advised that the IBAN of the newly updated INTERNATIONAL AIR TRANSPORT ASSOCIATION TURKIYE account will be Euro Currency. This means that the settlement of the invoice for the CASS billing period of 1-MAY-24 – 15-MAY-24, will be paid in Euro currency by your agency. The total amount payable in Euro will be indicated in your agency’s Payment Release Authorization Letter after the conversion from USD to Euro has been done by the Accounts Team following a successful CSR validation.

11. …. is only permitted to make use of the bank details disclosed in the Payment Release Authorization Letter which will be issued by the Accounts Team after a successful validation of the Cargo Sales Report.

I hope you’ve understood the guidelines & instructions above. Kindly review it carefully and Ii you have any specific questions or need further clarification on any aspect of this email, please let me know and I’ll be happy to assist you.

Your feedback acknowledging receipt of this email will be appreciated.


🚨 Sahte IATA E-postalarına Dikkat: Kargo Acenteleri Hedefte! 💼✉️ 8 Eylül 2024

Mehmet Kali

Hello everyone. My name is Mehmet Kali. In the industry, I am known as "Kali". I graduated from the first civil aviation training school in Turkey, which was known as the Civil Aviation School at the time and is now Eskişehir Technical University, in 1991. As I graduated from the Business Administration department, it was a bit challenging for me to integrate into the industry. I have worked for companies such as SultanAir, DHMI, Havaş, and Swissair, and currently, I provide services and consultancy in air cargo transportation. I have experience in dispatching, air traffic control, passenger services, and aircraft coordination. During my time at Swissair, I had the opportunity to experience aviation training in many countries. Since 2012, I have been focusing on air cargo transportation. For three years, I taught courses on air cargo at Nişantaşı University. I still hold valid IATA certifications related to both passenger and cargo operations. For over ten years, I have been managing aeroportist.com, a news website related to aviation, which initially started as a hobby. I enjoy building aviation networks and sharing knowledge. If there is anything I can contribute to, I am here. Best regards "kali"

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